ZRS at Walker Stalker Con Chicago 2014

I’ll be appearing along with fellow Zombie Research Society Advisory Board member Brendan Riley this coming weekend at Walker Stalker Con 2014 in Chicago at the Stephens Convention Center. On Friday at 4pm, we’ll be part of the panel “Zombies and Philosophy: How zombies teach us to be more human.”  I’ll also be signing and selling books at theContinue reading “ZRS at Walker Stalker Con Chicago 2014”

ZomBcon 2010

I just got home from ZomBcon 2010 in Seattle where I gave a talk about zombies, served on a panel, and signed some books.  ZomBcon was a really wonderful, well-run event.  It was a delight to meet my fellow members of the Zombie Research Society Advisory Board, and all the other zombie luminaries present. Here areContinue reading “ZomBcon 2010”